Choosing Between Tankless And Traditional Water Heaters

Home water heaters are durable, long-lasting appliances, but they do not last forever. If it's time to replace your aging heater, then it may also be time to consider an upgrade to a newer tankless model. Tankless water heaters offer a variety of benefits over traditional tank models, but choosing the one that's right for your household isn't always straightforward.

To understand if this decision makes sense for your home and your budget, you should consider a variety of crucial factors. Below you will find a checklist of the most important questions to ask yourself before you make your final purchasing decision.

Does Space Matter?

Tankless water heaters are drastically smaller than their older, more conventional counterparts. Tankless heaters are so small that some homeowners choose to install separate units closer to points of use, such as in bathrooms or kitchens. Their small size can make them especially suitable for apartments or small condos, where the water heater may occupy space in a closet or small basement.

If reclaiming the space occupied by your tanked water heater is a significant concern, then going tankless is an excellent option.

What's Your Budget?

There's no getting around it: tankless water heaters are costly. You may spend two to three times as much money on a tankless model as on a traditional water heater. If you intend to install your tankless heater in a different location or if you want to use multiple water heaters, then your costs can be even higher.

The counterpoint to this argument is the longer lifespan and higher energy efficiency of tankless units. A tankless water heater may last twice as long and improve energy efficiency by up to a third. As long as you can afford the upfront cost, you may still be able to save money or break even over the long run.

Will It Meet Demand?

Tankless water heaters are also known as on-demand heaters since they heat water only while it is in use. Since there isn't a tank of hot water ready to go, the flow rate of your water heater will limit demand. If you choose to use only a single tankless water heater, then you may not be able to use multiple hot-water intensive fixtures at the same time.

If you are concerned about demand issues, a plumber or HVAC contractor can help to calculate your home's hot water needs. Making this calculation will allow you to decide whether a tankless water heater will provide sufficient hot water for your specific needs.

Upgrading to a more expensive tankless model is not a decision to take lightly. Consider these questions carefully and always consult with an expert before choosing a new water heater for your home.

To learn more about your water heater installation options, contact an HVAC contractor today.

About Me

cool and hot areas of the home

I live in an older home that we are working to renovate. There are three areas of the house that just don't seem to get cool in the summer or get warm in the winter. I have done all that I can to try to keep these areas comfortable, but I wasn't able to do much until I hired an HVAC technician to come out and figure out why those areas were so uncomfortable. This blog will show you what can be causing areas of your home to be less comfortable than other areas when it comes to temperature during both winter and summer.